کــــاش گـــــــــل بودی و از بــــــاغ می چــــیدمت
یـــــــــا که طلوع بودی و از پنجره می دیدمــــــــت
ای کاش چشمانت ضریحی داشت چون رنگین کمان
هر وقــــــــت بارام می گرفت از دور می بوسیدمت
م.حیدر زاده
1 comment:
I like to take a break during the my day and browse by way of some blogs to see what others are saying. This blog appeared in my search and I couldn't help but clicking on it. I am glad I did because it was a very enjoyable read.
-------------------------------------------- 美国华人 Also welcome you!
1 comment:
I like to take a break during the my day and browse by way of some blogs to see what others are saying. This blog appeared in my search and I couldn't help but clicking on it. I am glad I did because it was a very enjoyable read.
Also welcome you!
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